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Melksham Environment Group


Draft version 0.95 - May 2024

There is a tendency for some of the constitutions we have read to get very detailed, and that is something I'm looking to avoid - building us a firm environmenatal foundation for the Melksham Area with an ability within the group's membership to tailor our remit as environmental issues and their consequences move forward locally, nationally and worldwide.


The name of the group is the Melksham Environment Group

The group shall operate as an unincorporated association under the terms of this constitution.


The purposes of the Group is:
To educate, inform, inspire, involve and empower all those living, working or visiting the Melksham Community Area in averting, mitigating or adapting to, the Climate Crisis.

To work towards these aims, the Group will operate ... [internet presence]

The group works on a partnership ethos and aims to fulfil its aims through and with the established community organisations such as (but not limited to) town, parish and unitary councils and their subgroups and committees within the Melksham Area.The group will also work in close liaison with other like minded groups in the wider parliamentary constituency and next tier authourity area in which we are located

The group plans to be a permanent contributor to its aims, updating as appropriate through avenues the commitee agrees. It may also arrange and join events that may be of interest to current and potential members and publish information about relevant events arranged by third parties.


Membership is open to anyone in an individuals or corporate capacity who shares a concern for the future of the environment and wishes to positively contribute to the futhering of environmental care in the Melksham area, directly or indirectly. For the purposes of this clause, the term "environment" is drawn widely to encomapass all elements and views.

The membership secretary and/or authourised persons acting in his support will maintain an active lists of members. Official communication will by email. Member will be added to the list on their agreement with the terms above, and will be removed should the ask to be or should they become dormant for a period of one year or other reason deemed by the committee. The committee may remove or deny membership to anyone should they consider that they are not aligned with the aims and interests of the group

Officers and committee will be elected at an Annual General Meeting, to be held in the second half of each year, and called with at least 2 weeks (and 10 working days) notice. The following officers will be elected:
* Chair
* Secretary
* Treasurer
and then up to nine further committee members will be elected from amongst the membership. Voting will be on a transferable vote system. Roles such as Membership Secretary, Vice Chair, and Public Relations will be assigned to committee members and officers, as will techicl expert roles. The commitee may co-opt other members onto the committee up to a total of no more than 15 committee members. Committee members will serve for a year at a time and any vacancies arising during the year will be filled by co-option.

The committee shall be responsible for the overall operation of the Group, including but not limited to:
* raising funds, including receiving grants and donations
* procurement of services to facilitate operation of the group
* preparation maintenance and application of the constitution and its appendixes
* admission of members to the group, maintenance of a membership list, and reviewing membership
* protection of members’ data in accordance with legislation.

Annual General Meeting

An Annual General Meeting shall be held to which all voting members will be invited at least 10 working days before the meeting takes place. The meeting will take place between 1st July and 31st December and will be held at a Melksham location that is widely accessible including to those without access to a private car. The meeting will be free of charge to members, but it will be up to individual members wishing to attend to meet their own costs of getting to the meeting.

Notice of meetings will be sent to the registered email address of voting members. Members will not be considered to be a voting member if it comes to the attention of the membership secretary that an email sent from the group to the member's registered address has not reached that member, and the membership secretary will not be responsible for taking further steps to try to deliver the email. A notice will also be made online to alert all readers to the meeting. Those two steps will be deemed sufficient notice of meeting.

The purpose of the AGM will be to receive reports from the chair, the treasurer, and others and to consider any changes to the constitution which have been proposed. Such proposals must be notified to the admin team at least 14 days prior to the meeting, and indicate the support of at least 5 voting members.

The AGM will be minuted and the minutes circulated via email, with a vote to approve them as being an accurate at the following AGM.

As well as formal business, the AGM will be an opportunity for furthering the aims of the group via networking sessions and speakers.

An Extraordinary General Meeting can be called with the same prior notice as the AGM on the decision of a committee vote or at the written request of a majority of members.

Financial and operational

Individual membership shall be free of charge

From the acceptance of this constitution, the group will move to a financial and operational model which is designed to be sustainable and scaleable in the future.

Income streams may include (but not be limited to) corporate members, advertising revenue, marketing and sales of promotional and other products, donations and grants applied for. Income streams will only be accepted where they are in line with the objectives set out in this constitution. Membership at the levels set out in the constitution is and will remain free of charge and this can only change by resolution at an Annual General or extraordinary general meeting.

Expenditure may include (but not be limited to) web hosting and domains, software licenses and specialist programming and support services, marketing and advertising, insurance and covering voting member's reasonable expenses incurred for activities undertaken on behalf of the group. It shall also include the cost of the AGM and any EGMs.

The group shall insure its members and volunteers against risks incurred in their duties undertaken for the group. Volunteers will be required to consider safety and risk in their activate for the group

A Treasurer shall be appointed at the AGM who shall look after the finances and operations and work on authorisations voted on by the committee or delegated by the committee. The treasurer shall be appointed for a period of one year. The treasurer is also authorised to operate a bank account on behalf of the group with transactions confirmed by another committee member.

A set of unaudited accounts and a budget / forecast for the following year and years shall be produced by the treasurer. It will be the responsibility of the whole committee to ensure that the group's financial position is secure.

Winding up

Should the Melksham Climate Group vote at an AGM or EGM to disband (by a majority of two thirds of those present and at least 30 votes), the remaining team will undertake as orderly wind down as practical. The remaining team will distribute any residuary funds amongst community organisations with the geographic area which have similar aims to the group as they see fit.

Should the number of voting members be less than 45, a simple majority of those attending the AGM or EGM will suffice for a decision.